10 Best Minecraft Toys In 2022 - IGN

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10 Best Minecraft Toys In 2022 - IGN

Minecraft is an infinite sandbox in which you can create just about anything you want. It's a video game that's exciting and arresting. You can put all your creative talents to use building a massive structure, surviving the night by fighting monsters, or flying around the globe to see what other people have built. There's nothing quite like it.

There's a way to bring some of the blocky magic into your real world. There are tons of fun models, playsets, and figures that are based in the Minecraft world. Unsure which ones are worth spending your hard-earned cash on or picking as a gift? Below are our top picks for Minecraft toys, both for children and adults.

These are the Best Minecraft Toys

Minecraft Transforming Diamond Sword/Pickaxe LEGO LEGO Minecraft The Abandoned Mine

Minecraft Paint Your Own Figurines Arts and Crafts Set

Crossbow for NERF Minecraft Pillager

Minecraft Transforming Turtle Hideout

Minecraft Survival Pack

NERF Mini Blaster Minecraft Ghast Mini Blaster

Minecraft Enchanted bow with Potion Tip Arrow

LEGO Minecraft The First Adventure Set

UNO Minecraft Card Game

Minecraft Transforming Diamond Sword/Pickaxe

This replica of a diamond pickaxe/sword looks exactly the same as the real thing. It's straight outta Minecraft. It's great for swinging around and fantasizing about how it will slice through creepy spiders and skeleton archers that dare to enter your home. It is also great for imaginative play if imagination is not your thing.

LEGO Minecraft The Abandoned Mine playset

What awaits below in that spooky abandoned mine? This detailed playset will help you find out. If you're lucky, you'll find diamond or obsidian down there. If you're not lucky, you might hit lava. It's all about the excitement of never knowing what you might find when you dig in Minecraft.

Minecraft Paint Your Own Figurines Arts and Crafts Set

Minecraft is all about creating anything you can imagine. This set allows you to create your own figure. You can paint it any color you wish, draw your favorite prints, or transform it into a creature of your choice. Then use it with all of your Minecraft playsets to create a blocky new world in the real one, one that you can sculpt with your hands.

Crossbow for NERF Minecraft Pillager

Using a crossbow in Minecraft feels cool, and it's one of the most interesting weapons in the game. This detailed NERF-model lets you bring your own home and practice with it. You can even have a few "fights" with a friend using another NERF gun.

Minecraft Transforming Turtle Hideout

Is it a turtle? Is it a hideout or a turtle? This Minecraft transforming playset is a large turtle on the outside, but it's a different world entirely within. It comes with everything you will need to take your Minecraft adventures outside of Minecraft, including a place for you to stay when the sun sets or the baddies appear.

Minecraft Survival Pack

To survive in Minecraft you will need a workbench. A bed, a weapon, and an area to store your belongings. The Minecraft Survival Pack comes with a Steve figure, raring to go, and everything he needs to get started in-game and in the real world.

NERF Mini Blaster Minecraft Ghast Mini Blaster

The Ghasts of Minecraft are quite scary. They become even creepier when turned into "weapons" you can use in play fights. This Ghast-shaped blaster can fire off rubber NERF darts. It can also be added to your collection of Minecraft-inspired NERF toys.

Minecraft Enchanted Bow with Potion-Tip Arrow

Making your first Minecraft bow is a significant milestone. A potion-tip arrow makes it especially important.  Newsfordummies.com Get your own and bring it into the real world with this enchanted bow replica, which would look great in your hands during a Minecraft LARP or on your wall as a conversation piece.

LEGO Minecraft The First Adventure Playset

Everyone can recall the first time they went on a Minecraft adventure. This playset captures that feeling perfectly, complete with evil skeletons that won't let you build in peace. It's got everything you need to pretend you're a Minecraft neophyte, starting from the very beginning again.

UNO Minecraft Card Game

Who doesn’t enjoy a classic UNO-style game? This version can be branded with your favorite Minecraft designs so you can combine two worlds: video games and board gaming.